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  • Writer's pictureCheri Marks

What were we thinking?

The last 18 months has been a journey for sure. There are days I look around and think, "have we made any progress?", but when I look back on the before and after pictures we've taken, the evidence is there, yes, we have made progress.

Last year at this time we had 3 donkeys, 3 horses, and 4 dogs. Now we have 11 horses, 6 donkeys and 6 dogs, along with our chickens, rooster and 3 cats. And along with removal and repairing of a variety of buildings, fences, trees, pond, house, and driveway, we built fences, planted flowers, trees and food, (some made it, some didn't), painted just about everything (still have a lot of painting to go), we're now building our ranch stay vacation cabins, opening next month!

We've shed blood, sweat and tears while renovating this ranch, but every drop of blood, and the buckets of sweat have been beyond worth it! We work hard, our animals are happy and feel secure, family and friends love to visit, and we are living our dream!

Thank you for visiting our website! Stay tuned for cabin opening updates!


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Sandy Smith Kowaleski
Sandy Smith Kowaleski
Nov 26, 2022

How many cabins do you plan to have? By the way, Dee Dee Lewis is my sister and she’s the one who told me about your plans! We live in Frisco, TX and are always looking for an escape from the concrete jungle!

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