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  • Writer's pictureCheri Marks

A difficult week....

If you follow us on social media (our facebook page), you know this has been a difficult week for us at Cole's Ranch. On Tuesday morning of this week, our first rescue Jess, quickly became very sick. Our vet arrived and delivered the terrible news of how sick he was. He was beyond options and the only humane thing was to do was to end his suffering, which was growing worse each minute. We were heartbroken, and still are. Jess has been healthy and active, he was smart, curious, sweet and gentle. During the last few minutes of his life, our vet commented on his gentle and kind disposition. If I was in the barn, Jess would always come to his stall and watch everything that was happening. Nothing went on without his notice. He was so special, and will always live in our hearts! Interestingly, the day before his passing, we were working on our Ranch sign, getting the base of the sign cemented in the ground, with the plan of the actual sign going in on Tuesday. Late Tuesday afternoon, we decided to go ahead with our plan and hang the sign, which ended up a bittersweet event. For there in the sign, is Jess, happily grazing. Jess is there always grazing in the pasture he loved!

Ed and I are passionate about giving the best love and care to all of our animals. We are also passionate to help all animals that are homeless and hopeless. One way we hope to help so many animals that need homes is through spreading information regarding animals in need of rescue and forever homes. There are wonderful rescues nationwide that are doing a great work, getting all kinds of animals out of situations of starvation, neglect, abuse and horses and donkeys that are in the killpens around the country. What these rescues need are donations and those who will adopt the animals they rescue, thereby allowing these rescues to rescue more! While at Cole's Ranch we are not a rescue, (we did rescue 3 of our horses out of a bad situation), our goal is to give these wonderful creatures their forever home! We live on 35 acres and while we have the acreage to support more animals, we are short on manpower and finances. One reason we are opening up our ranch with vacation stay cabins, is to help not only financially with our hopes of helping more animals, but to also bring attention to so many animals in need, and how people can help.

We're grateful to all who follow us on social media, (we're on facebook and instagram), and for visiting our website!


Cheri, Jess and Alfalfa, fall 2021

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